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What does "Lasting Design" mean? How to shop products built to last

In recent years we have been forced to think longer and harder about how to make our paychecks stretch. From Brexit changing the market to covid closing down businesses – global warming and the threat to our planet and of course, war and the devastating ripple effect that has had on the world. The cost of living has increased exponentially, energy consumption and prices have risen beyond comprehension and businesses have had to increase their prices as a result – even on things like pasta and milk! We truly are in a crisis. 

The 21st century certainly has pushed us to our limits financially, emotionally and physically. 

The idea of treating ourselves to something new has become a sore point for many, but you can make a difference in our climate issues while treating yourself to something you need to replace or simply something new and saving money in the process. 


Table of Contents

Choose where you shop

Choosing who you buy from can make a huge difference. Small businesses across the UK are focusing on stocking products that last longer and use sustainable methods to create and pack items in for shipping. Shopping locally and sustainably  helps the economy. The more money that goes into local small businesses creates jobs and contributes to improving public infrastructure with more money going into communities. If we all shopped more locally and used small sustainable businesses, the UK could start to build its economy again and all of this helps the planet too as a positive side effect. 

But how does buying more products help me save money?

The idea isn’t as simple as ‘buying more to save more money’ but more focused on what it is that we are buying and why. For example; buying ‘cheaper’ mass-produced tableware or clothing made across seas not only contributes to waste from overproduction but results in the need to buy more frequently due to the lack of longevity in the product. Mass production factories use harmful to-planet methods, unethical company practices when it comes to human welfare and poor quality materials which encourages a more ‘disposable’ way of life. A Lot of these products piggyback off current fashion trends in home and fashion and lack originality, which ages the product meaning you wont want to keep it for a long time – you’ll be tempted to get rid of it to make space for new passing trends. 

But what if we started to shop more consciously? Imagine buying a set of beautiful tableware that you don’t need to replace for 10 years plus. Durable tableware that never goes out of style or fails to impress your guests. Or a cosy unique handmade jumper or throw that keeps you warm year after year, after year. Spending a little more money in the beginning on a product that stands the test of time, is investing in your future paycheck, and always pays off in the long run. 

I used to go out window shopping with my mum every Saturday in our local town centre. We didn’t have loads of money but we loved to browse and window shop and always, get coffee. When it did come to an occasion where we actually needed to buy something, like a new pair of shoes or an outfit for a wedding and we would see something with a slightly higher price tag than we were expecting, she used to say to me “Divide the cost by how many uses you will get out of it.” This has stuck with me my whole life, she often used this mentality to justify the purchase of new boots 😂(it’s always shoes right?!) She’d try on the boots and fall in love, and sometimes the price was higher than we would have wanted to see! But she would wear those boots every single day to work and to walk around town on our trips, and they lasted for years! And this is because they were made well, made to last. 

When making an expensive purchase, simply weigh out the cost of how often you will use it, how long it will last, and how many times you would need to replace it if you bought a cheaper option. I will forever live by this mantra: “Life is long, buy the better boots”. These boots were made for walking, after all. 

So how do I know where to buy longer lasting and sustainable products?

Lasting sustainable products can cost a little more than mass produced because of sourcing better quality materials, paying their staff proper wages and using zero waste methods which inevitably, cost more. But don’t confuse price with quality, sometimes you simply will be paying for the label. Some designer products can charge through the roof for subpar items, simply because of who they are. 

When finding reliable businesses that create ‘built to last’ produce, do your research. This might sound tricky, and time-consuming but trust me, it’s very straightforward. Businesses that use proper practices, shout it from the rooftops. You will be able to see straight away that these businesses hand make or source their products responsibly, and it’s a source of pride. A quick scan of their website or social media will tell you all you need to know.  

What lasting products has Beò got to offer?

Here at Beò we take lasting design and sustainability very seriously. Being surrounded by the beautiful, wild Scottish wilderness is a constant reminder to protect our beautiful planet. We only source the best, sustainably made, cruelty free products from small businesses that have the same ethos as us. We celebrate originality and encourage upcycling and the recycling of old materials to create new beautiful items. We love cherishing homeware and clothing that we love year after year, after all, if you love it, it never goes out of style. 

We recommend you look at:

  1. Take a look at our lasting tableware 
  2. Indulge in a new vase that will last for years to come & always look timeless   
  3. Check out our luxury candle recycling program for a free candle 
  4. Collect beautiful everlasting bouquets made from real flowers and grasses 
  5. Treat yourself to guilt free fashion made from recycled materials which would have otherwise gone to landfill